The young father and mother (or are they middle-aged?) roll their baby buggy into the Toddler Playground in Washington Square Park. He wears black running shorts, a red singlet, and New Balance sneakers.
She sports matching pale blue shorts and shirt and Adidas sneaks.
They met jogging around the Park -- .55 of a mile – long before baby arrived, and decided no reason to stop running, just not together.
Dad lifts the 8-month-old into the safe seat of a baby swing. And off goes mom, waving ba-bye to hubby and confused babe, carefully closing the wrought iron gate of the playground.
Dad sings softly, baby swings and hangs on tight, not yet sure if this is fun. After her laps of the Park, here comes mom for the switch. And off goes pop for his laps.
Does the Village family that runs together stay together? Time will tell.
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