Surrounded by so much green I wonder: How many trees are there in Washington Square Park? I ask the 300-year-old English Elm. It creaks out an answer in a swaying breeze:
“235, in 50 species. You want the names?"
“Sure, old timer. Gimme the list.”
English Elm, Gingko, London Plane Tree, Silver Maple, Red Maple, Deodar Cedar, Pin Oak, Norway Maple, Northern Red Oak, Eastern Redbud, Chinese Elm, Honey Locust, Japanese Tree Lilac, Box Elder, Cornelian Cherry, Holly, Black Locust, White Mulberry, Princeton American Elm, Slippery Elm, Tree of Heaven, American Basswood, Apple, Horse Chestnut, Kwanzan Cherry, Crabapple, Eastern White Pine, Northern Catalpa, Oak, Dawn Redwood, Japanese Pagoda Tree, Yoshino Cherry, Zelkova, Saucer Magnolia, Eastern White Pine, Himalayan White Pine, Flowering Dogwood, American Elm, Swamp White Oak, American Sycamore, Green Ash, Rock Elm, Paper Birch, Hophornbeam, Siberian Elm, Sugar Maple, Silver Linden, Green Ash, Goldenrain Tree, Hawthorn.
“Not bad for only 9.75 acres, huh?”
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